Interpersonal Communications: 7 Things Confident People Always Say
Soft Skills Subject: Soft Skills Career Development

Of all the personality traits, confidence may be most highly correlated with success. In business, it helps a person to take risks and pursue opportunities. And compared with insecure people, those who are confident are perceived as more attractive and tend to have a larger circle of high-quality relationships.
What is it about confidence that’s so enticing? First off, it’s important to make distinctions about what confidence is not. It’s not cockiness or a sense of being better than others. Rather, it’s a quiet belief in one’s own ability without the hubris that results in arrogance. Here are the kinds of things you’ll hear truly confident people say.
- I wouldn’t worry about it.
- Go for it.
- Doing it this way works for me.
- Why not me?
- I need to say something.
- Tell me more.
- Can you help me?
“Yes, hard skills get the job done. But soft skills get the job done well. Despite their name, soft skills can be hard to implement if not done thoughtfully and consciously.”
– Forbes
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