Soft Skills Lists

From the board room to the lunch room

Soft Skills Lists

From the board room to the lunch room

Lists & Meanings of Soft Skills

What is the Meaning of Soft Skills?

The meaning of soft skills involves interpersonal communications skills, social relationships, use of language, kindness and graces, personality, personal habits, optimism, work ethic, attitude, and emotional intelligence quotient (EQ).

Today, soft skills are viewed as a wide range of skills that focus on social relationships, work relationships, environments, and communications, such as: language skills, personal habits around work ethics, social interactions, and teamwork (to name a few).

What is the Definition of Soft Skills?

Though the term “soft skills” has its origin in the 1960s, a product of the U.S. Military (Army) around skills that do not require machinery in their use, the military pushed an original definition of soft skills to include skills that include leadership, motivation, and others that contributed to their ultimate goal of success in the world of warfare.

Soft Skills to Succeed Like an Executive

All successful executives understand mastering soft skills is an integral part of succeeding as an executive.

Whether you are just starting your first job or have decades of experience, developing soft skills is crucial to your long term career success and happiness.

How to improve your soft skills

Improve Communications Skills

Good business communication skills are a key factor in every aspect of your career – from being hired, closing a sale, working well within your organization to earning a promotion or finding a better job.
Soft skill qualities of a good and great manager

Qualities of a Good Manager

There are many managers out there but few that possess the necessary soft skills to be great managers.
How to improve your soft skills

How to Improve Soft Skills

The primary categories we focus on in helping people develop their soft skills revolve around two big buckets: self management skills and people skills.
Career Development Skills

Career Development Skills

Problem solving, team building, delegating, and motivating are all vital soft skills that are crucial to your career development and advancement.
Soft skills for job searches

Job Search Skills

Like any other job, there’s plenty to do and lots of skills to develop when you’re serious about securing your next, better job.
“Given the critical need for soft skills now and in the future, training current employees is not enough. It is also crucial to ensure that new talent coming in the door is ready with the most critical skills on day one.”
– McKinsey & Company

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