Soft Skills Guide to resume writing

Soft Skills Guide

Soft Skills Subject: Resume Writing Help, Tips, and Coaching

Career Development: Resume Writing Tips Can Help – Here’s 3 Things to Avoid on Your Resume

Tony Robbins once said, “Most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade.” This statement is reminder to not only look at immediate goals for the year, but also invest time and energy thinking about what to accomplish in 3, 5, 8, and 10 years and how to get there over time.

Careers & Job Seekers

Landing your dream job is all about making a good first impression, and much of that has to do with what you put at the very top of your resume. Unfortunately, too many job seekers don’t utilize this space to their best advantage.

One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is starting their resumes with long-winded, boring and self-important paragraphs about how great they are. But guess what? Everyone applying for that position thinks they’re great and worthy of a recruiter’s time.

Boost this very important soft skill by reading about three outdated resume techniques that no longer work with hiring managers and what you should do instead.

  1. Summary statements: The responsibilities and accomplishments listed in the job history section of your resume should already paint a picture of what you bring to the table, so there’s no need to amplify it with a long preface.
  2. Objective statements: This doesn’t offer any new or useful information. What’s the point of spelling out the obvious fact that you’re interested in the position?
  3. What you’re looking for in a job: Even if you’re a poach-worthy name in the industry, explaining what you want in a job just makes you look like an amateur. Your goal is to sell how you can help the company, not the other way around.

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